Sunday, February 27, 2011

800 Page Views Milestone

Another milestone has been passed during the month of February as I reached more than 800 page views. This was an increase from 500 in December. This has come about despite the fact that I have done absolutely no advertising or even told my friends.

Adding new posts has been, frankly, haphazard and non-existent. I must get back into the habit of posting new content. In my defense I started a new job in January and I have been more focused on that. But that is no real excuse. However, it hasn’t stopped me thinking of topics to post so, at least, I have loads of ideas germinating in my head.

Visitors Since the creation of SimonsParis Blog there have been 824 page views coming from France (397), United States (243), United Arab Emirates (24), Germany (24), Russia (22), Singapore (18), Slovenia (12), Croatia (11), Canada (9), ran (8), and other (57).

Top page views
These are the most popular postings that are visited. Not a lot has changed since my last statistics report at the end of October. I have not added that many new postings but I’ll be doing so in the near future.

  • 2010 Films Seen at the Cinema
  • Celebrities Annoying the French
  • Restaurants in Paris
  • List of interesting people
  • Les Marronniers
  • Seen Films in these Cinemas

Technology used by visitors
I have been interested in the technology that is being used to view my SimonsParis Blog. Visitors are overwhelming using the Internet Explorer browser (73%) followed by Firefox (16%), Safari (5%), Opera (2%), Chrome (1%), Jakarta Common – Http Client (1%), Java (<1%),>

Leave a message
If you are visiting my SimonsParis Blog for the first time, I thank you for arriving here.
Do leave a message if you would like to make a comment or suggestion.

With best regards,
Simon Paris