Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sightseeing Paris by Vélib

In 2010 I finally got my subscription to the Paris Vélib and renewed it this year increasing my free ride from 30 to 45 minutes. This has been a very welcome change as I frequently was caught out by cycling for 25 minutes then trying to find a "station". Now I can be more organized. I have the 45 minutes and at 30 minutes I begin to think of looking to park the bicycle.

Another big advantage is that I can go for longer distances instead of the short hops in central Paris. I have started to go to different parts of Paris away from the center. Montmartre is only 32 minutes from BHV!!

Another good tip is to have a Paris map with all the Vélib stations indicated. This saves an enormous amount of time and indeed stress in trying to find one particularly when a station can be full and you have look around an unfamiliar quartier for another.

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